Added Avatar music & Into Eternity song to help 'theme' the page.
But later removed it because it wouldn't stop playing on mobile browsers when you suspended the page.
Colored the fruit stem & leafs...
Added fading/pulsing background, fading/pulsing fruit, and refined the design of main portfolio page.
P.S. Happy New Years
Added definition for Keromonkey...
Uploaded, lightly styled FaceRec website, and linked it to Project database. Also, acquired googlemap api key for map display.
Fixed mobile issues pertaining to portfolio not displaying on commercial mobile devices. (Site.Mobile.Master was the cause)
Created, linked, and stylized the website for Smash Modz Projects. The link is now up and functional. Also, the link to Kero Book Retro is operational as well. Though I may choose to intermittently exclude that project in the future. Two down. Two to go. Then I step back, reassess, and see what else I can improve.
Added some project info to the database. Summon Project now returns mutiple, stylized projects.
Designed/created a "root" portal page linking to portfolio page. (For neater link-passing).
Improved cross-browser support & font styles.
Added style, text & formatting to About & Contact sections.
Added database & deployed during a prev day. Testing on Android now. Need to improve mobile UI experience.
Added a collapsible 'Updates' section.
Began website creation & added 'SilverSpiral' Background image
Expanded on original portfolio design idea.